📃 Human Understanding License.

Version 1.1 - 04/2024

General provisions:

The purpose of this license is to provide a way for collaborative distribution and/or modification of Software (Compiled or source code) content, file, or set of files (Hereinafter: The Work) under the framework of a permissive license.

Prohibited purposes:

You may not Trade with The Work or any derivative work. You may not use/distribute The Work on behalf of an organization, company, or other non-physical person except:


By directly using The Work, you are accepting the terms of this license. Do not do anything with The Work that you do not want or cannot.


Each collaborator authorizes you to do with The Work everything that does not in any way infringe local, national, international laws and those necessary changes for its improvement, except as specified in the Prohibited purposes of the license.

Derivative works:

To create a derivative work of The Work, you must clearly credit the original collaborators by including an "AUTHORS.txt" file in plain text format without markup or programming language where it is clearly stated how to consult/download the original Work and a simple list of all previous collaborators.

Distribution and license notification:

You must ensure that anyone who receives a copy of any part of The Work from you, with or without changes, also receives the text of this license clearly by including a "LICENSE.txt" file and in the case of Software, in the part that provides information about the software, version, author, etc. "About" window or similar. In web/gopher/gemini articles or other text elements, the following must be stated in a visible place:

"This (Type of work) is licensed under the Human Understanding License."

Example content of the AUTHORS.TXT file


- Original author
- Collaborator 1
- Collaborator 2
- Collaborator 3


If you unknowingly or mistakenly violate the terms of this license, you will have thirty (30) days to comply with the license once you become aware of the infringement.


Regarding the patenting of The Work, this can only be done by the Original Collaborator of the same and => only of the portions of the Work that belong to him/her <=. Under no circumstances can the portions of the Work of other collaborators be patented without explicit permission from them in a clear and concise manner.


You may not directly trade with the Work but may monetize any benefit related to it through some form of passive means. (Donations, for example.)


No collaborator can revoke this license.

License updates:

All Work licensed under this license will be subject, by default, to its updates.


To the extent permitted by law, the Work is provided as is, without any warranty or condition, and no collaborator will be liable to anyone for any damage related to the Work or this license, under any legal claim.